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August 13, 2005

Valproic Acid: Psychiatric Drug for Aids Patients?

A study led by University of Texas researchers tested four Aids patients by adding an anti-epileptic drug, valproic acid, to their "normal" cocktail of drugs. According to the researchers, a 75 % drop of "dormant HIV cells" was found. Good news? That depends. According to Medline, the list of side effects of valproic acid is impressive.

"HIV is a tenacious virus. Current drugs can suppress it to almost immeasurable levels to keep patients alive. But this is not a cure, since the organism continues to exist within some of the body's immune cells, although in a latent, non-replicating state. Patients must take the drugs for life to prevent this store of virus from reawakening."

So much for the hype, more of it to be found in this piece on Voice of America.

The real problem is that the HIV virus, according to some researchers, has never been properly isolated and that the test given to people is not virus specific. It lacks a gold standard and does not show the presence of a virus, yet patients are given highly toxic drugs on the strength of its results.

Even assuming the virus does exist, no one has so much as suggested a viable hypothesis on how exactly it is thought to cause the other, opportunistic diseases that are called Aids if they appear in those marked by the test. Neville Hodgkinson discusses this in his excellent "Aids - Scientific or Viral Catastrophe".

The big question now is: Are we dealing with real progress here or do we merely see a new market being opened to remedy flagging sales of psychiatric drugs? The use of an anticonvulsive drug for AIDS patients should make anyone's antennas perk up.

"Valproic acid is used, alone or with other drugs, to treat certain types of seizures in the treatment of epilepsy. It is also used to prevent migraine headaches and to treat various psychiatric illnesses, such as bipolar disorder and aggression", according to Medline. It can cause serious liver damage and has been known to attack the pancreas as well. Birth defects are on the list and so are "stomach pain, upset stomach, recurring seizures, loss of appetite, vomiting, dark urine, weakness, tiredness, lack of energy, facial swelling, and yellowing of the skin or eyes."

Aids patients suffer from multiple nutritional deficiencies so it makes one wonder why we would try to give a psychiatric drug to Aids patients instead of supplying the nutrients as proposed by Harold Foster in his electronic book "What really causes Aids".

Another researcher, Dr. Rath, has successfully treated Aids patients with a comprehensive nutritional regime and honestly, to me that would be the more humane and effective strategy to adopt. But then ... perhaps we all need to better align with the profit motives of pharma manufacturers.

Please do read the article about the great "discovery" on Voice of America.

Fortunately, Aids patients across the world have their own networks of information and word passes quickly as to what works and what doesn't. The following is an article by Brad McIntyre, a long term - more than 20 years - Aids survivor who advocates an open approach, including nutritional intervention...

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Confusion and Conflict when it comes to HIV and AIDS

In Canada, HIV was first diagnosed among gay men. Later, hemophiliacs and others with health problems were infected due to tainted blood received through blood transfusions. People infected early on had no treatment available! A new and strange virus was weakening the immune system and causing illness in various ways, (what we now know as opportunistic. infections). That’s all we knew! Those who were infected looked for ways to boost their immune system. Not everyone affected by the disease was dying. Unfortunately, the media wrote only about those who were being ravaged by the disease and dying.

People infected with HIV educated themselves. They learned about the positive impact to their health through nutrition, vitamins, minerals, herbs and botanicals and many alternative and complementary therapies. Often, the results were stable or boosted immune systems! The news spread and the evidence was affirmed to us through people who did not get sick. The above methods were used to aid in healing opportunistic infections as well as addressing the side effects of the drugs when pharmaceuticals became available.

There was and still is much confusion and conflict when it comes to HIV and AIDS. Many do not realize that HIV is not the same as AIDS. The media has not provided the necessary attention, information and the true realities of this disease to the world. Fear and stigma have risen when it should be declining. HIV infection can be managed. Incorrectly assuming that HIV is the same as AIDS contributes to the belief that HIV infection means automatic death. In reality, there is a great deal that can be done to prevent the progression to AIDS.

As well as taking care of one another, fundraising, starting AIDS organizations, fighting for treatments and human rights, a network was created to inform and educate people in the ways of addressing HIV. Specifically, education about the immune system and the positive benefits of using alternative therapies was essential!

Around the world, people infected with HIV are very knowledgeable. They are aware that millions of people are addressing HIV through nutrition and vitamin and mineral supplements. These have proven to be beneficial and a great success, whether taking HIV medications or not. Many of us have lived 20 years or more! Yet, nearly a quarter of century since HIV crept into existence, the confusion and conflict continues regarding the benefits of these methods. This makes no sense!

Canada and other countries are prime examples of the recognition given to the use of the above treatment modalities. Scientists and physicians have shown the benefits through various studies. Many governments, such as Canada, have created additional funding for infected individuals, to purchase clean drinking water, food, vitamin supplements and complementary therapies. These have enabled assistance and improvement in many ways: diarrhea, nausea, neuropathy, irritated skin and rashes, wasting, fatigue, loss of appetite, immune suppression and successfully boosting the immune system, reducing side effects of the drugs and increased the efficacy of the HIV/AIDS drugs!

The conflict continues even though science and millions of affected people have more than proven the efficacy of these alternative treatments. The time is past due to end this conflict and acknowledge with rightful recognition their importance in the fight against AIDS! It is urgent that we use every available means to combat this disease and bring comfort to those in need.

Pharmaceuticals play a very important role in assisting the immune system when it is weakened and when the virus is out of control and causing serious problems. The only way to determine how the HIV is reacting in your body is through regular blood work. This knowledge of how HIV is reacting allows you and your physician to closely monitor your health status. You are better prepared to understand and address health issues. Often, people wait too long before getting tested and/or starting HIV/AIDS medications. Knowledge is the weapon to create a positive impact on our health. By using every available means, the more likely we are to survive!
We must end this conflict now!

Bradford McIntyre, HIV+ 20 years
Vancouver, B.C.

See also:

John "Birdman" Bryant on slow acting microbes

$170 Billion And Counting Latest AIDS Drug Study Heavily Flawed


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Saturday August 13 2005
updated on Friday December 10 2010

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Readers' Comments

Dear reader,

I've been on this stuff for about half a year and it is really horrible, those side effects: I've been diagnosed bipolar disorder, but they don't have anything next to lithium to give to you... Lithium's side effects made me stop it (you can only live around 20 years with it when using it on a daily basis)

This would be the drug that would do something better. I am glad I could stop this soonest because it only made things worse... It makes it indeed impossible to make some connections in the brains resulting to depression (in my case).

Consider colloidal silver as the only answer to aids + the good bacteria in the bowels of One Group's In-liven...

Posted by: Tjarko Holtjer on August 14, 2005 09:43 AM


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